Knytt Symposium Ep4: Lucinda's Speech (a bonus episode)

So, Marcel went to Japan in late July and he’ll be back in October. I’ve recorded interviews with two level makers since then with just me hosting. However, Marcel mixes episodes as fast as lightning and with him gone and only a phone on his person, I don’t really have an official person to mix the episodes. Erakion/Nagamiya/Vreschen is working on a mix right now, but he’s a busy man so it’s been taking a while.

Which is all to say that we’ve got a gap in our intended podcasting schedule and so I’m putting out this bonus episode, which consists of a speech I gave about Nifflas. It was recorded on my iPhone in February of 2019 at a PowerPoint party that I threw at my friend’s dorm. The prompt was to give a speech about something you are obsessed with. My friends’ topics were buses, how to properly care for pet fish, and weird Facebook groups, while my sister gave a speech on her irrational childhood fears (the dark side of obsession). I gave an impassioned, very anxious speech about games by Nifflas and how they transformed my life. I also talk about Nifflas’ life and show some videos of a few of his games that I pulled from YouTube.

This was a talk I gave to some good friends without having any clue that I would someday share it with other Nifflas fans, so I hope you can appreciate this more unfiltered version of me.

Note: I am aware there are a few factual errors in the speech. Sorry, especially to #ModArchive fans. Also sorry for making fun of the KS community by saying “Ha ha almost nobody makes content for it anymore” with my hideous witch cackle, we should all know by now that I was just projecting. And finally, in the interest of not making people cringe, I intend to never publicly tell the story of how I discovered Knytt Stories after this. I’ve mentioned it a few other times recently, and, well, it’s in the past.


Follow along with my slides from the party! Some images have been removed to protect your eyes.